Towards Understanding Android System Vulnerabilities: Techniques and Insights
Daoyuan Wu, Debin Gao, Eric K. T. Cheng, Yichen Cao, Jintao Jiang, and Robert H. Deng
In Proc. ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS), Auckland, New Zealand, 2019. (AR = 58/258 = 22%)
Understanding Open Ports in Android Applications: Discovery, Diagnosis, and Security Assessment
Daoyuan Wu, Debin Gao, Rocky K. C. Chang, En He, Eric K. T. Cheng, and Robert H. Deng
In Proc. ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), San Diego, USA, 2019. (AR = 89/521 = 17%)
MopEye: Opportunistic Monitoring of Per-app Mobile Network Performance
Daoyuan Wu, Rocky K. C. Chang, Weichao Li, Eric K. T. Cheng, and Debin Gao
One of the 21 highly-ranked papers of ATC’17. It has enabled our IWQoS’19 and WiSec’18 papers, as well as an INFOCOM’19 paper from SJTU.
In Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), Santa Clara, USA, 2017.